Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Download a Mobile Barcode Scanner App

A mobile barcode scanner app turns shoppers into fast shoppers. Having this app can get someone in and out of a store in a hurry. For example, a man is on his way to a business meeting when he spills coffee all over his pants. Luckily, his route takes him right by a department store. He knows his size, as most men do, so all he needs to do is run in, pay, and get out. Unfortunately, too many other people are having the same idea to shop and now he is stuck in a long checkout line. With a free barcode scanner he could be in and out of the store in minutes.

Mobile Payment Apps

If the man in the scenario had a mobile payment app like ScanOut he would not be stuck in a long line of other customers. Instead he could use his smartphone to make the purchase without having to deal with anyone from customer service.

Here is how it works:
  • The free barcode scanner mobile phone scans the barcode by using the camera function
  • Add this item to the “cart”
  • After this is done with all the items (i.e. pair of pants not stained with coffee) hit “pay now”
  • Users have the ability to use a credit card on file or use a new card to make the payment
  • A digital receipt is given
  •  as proof of purchase so there’s no need to deal with customer service
It is that easy to get in and out.
Scan and Go
With mobile payment apps customers are shopping faster than ever before. It is taking the self-checkout lane to the next level. By having the smartphone work as a register it eliminates the need of standing in a traditional checkout line ever again. Download a barcode scanner app today and start shopping smarter.


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