Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mobile Payment App With Barcode Scanner For Phone

Using a mobile payment app with barcode scanner for phone is transforming the way people shop. It makes shopping faster in the store than ever before and one of the best parts is that if you do not want to talk to anyone you do not have to. For example, let’s say a woman with migraine simply wants to go into the pharmacy and pick up some extra strength tylenol. With a scan-a-barcode app she would be able to walk into the store, scan the app, pay for the item, and be on her way. Better than the alternative, right?

The New Self Checkout Line
With a scan a barcode app like ScanOut people can get in and out of the store in a hurry. Especially the woman with a migraine who just needs some tylenol to get her through her day. This is how the woman can shop using her smartphone while still in the store:

  • She downloads ScanOut to her smartphone
  • Using the camera function she scans the barcode of the tylenol bottle
  • She double checks that ScanOut has the correct information and price
  • Then she hits “pay now” and enters her credit card information
  • Then she waits for her digital receipt
  • And walks out of the store
Shopping with a mobile payment app is very safe and secure.

The Safe Way to Shop
With so many stores such as Target, Best Buy, and even Home Depot getting hacked it can be dangerous to use a credit card at one of those places. However, with ScanOut the payment is secured each and every time so there is no threat of a breach.
Keep safety in mind when it is time to shop at the grocery store, department store, or local tool store. Shop smarter and shop faster with mobile payment apps like ScanOut.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Shop Easier with a Mobile POS App

The mundane process of shopping just became easier and more fun with the rise of the mobile POS. Now you can complete the entire POS—or point of sale—process on your phone without dealing with the usual hassle of checkout. ScanOut is the app that makes this possible by bringing the checkout to your smartphone.
No More Confusion over Prices
There are so many items in stores that you don’t have the price obviously marked. That leaves you with the option of buying the item anyway and possibly being overcharged or not buying the item and possibly missing out on a great deal. ScanOut helps you to bypass this dilemma by showing you the price immediately when you scan the barcode.
Don’t Wait in Line
One of the most helpful perks of using the Mobile Paymentapp is not having to waste your time waiting in lines. Because you can perform a mobile express checkout on your phone using the app, the need to wait in line to see an actual cashier vanishes. You can check out at your own pass and wave goodbye to the line when you are ready to leave the store.
Enjoy a Personalized Experience
The personalized shopping experience offered to you with the ScanOut app can make the mobile express checkout even speedier. You can save information such as your credit card numbers directly into the app. So, when the time comes to pay, you won’t have to go fumbling through your purse or wallet. You just have to press a button to choose the card you want to use and then be on your way.
Save Paper, Save Trees
ScanOut’s personalized features also means that receipts and past orders will be saved onto your phone. This may not seem like a big difference, but if everyone switched to ScanOut and started receiving virtual receipts instead of paper ones, many tress and paper would be saved.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

An Easy Mobile POS Ensures a Great Shopping Experience

With the whole world entering a new digital era, it is time that the shopping process catches up with it. Being able to complete a mobile POS directly from your phone can make shopping so much more convenient. The app ScanOut is one step ahead, allowing for an easy and personal checkout process.
Waste Less Time
Whether you are in a time crunch or spending a leisurely day shopping with friends, lines are something that you never want to deal with. And, with the ScanOut app, you will never have to deal with them again. After you scan all of the items into the app, you can complete the mobile checkout app directly from your phone. When you’re done, you can wave the lines goodbye as you walk out the door.
Spend Less Money
The ScanOut app can help you to save money by always making you aware of your total purchases. When you scan each item, it is added to your virtual cart and you immediately see the price. If the total of your shopping trip gets out of hand, you will notice immediately. You can cut yourself off while you are ahead to make sure you stay in your budget.
Less Stress
Imagine going to the store, picking out your items, and waiting in line. Then, when you get to the cashier, you realize you left your wallet at home. This could be a disaster. That is, unless you have the ScanOut app. ScanOut allows you to save your payment information on your phone for your convenience.
No More Paperwork
Using the ScanOut mobile express checkout also means that you don’t have to deal with any messy receipt papers. Receipts are usually handed to you, and then stuffed immediately into your pocket or the trash. Just when you might need them for a return, they are nowhere to be found. ScanOut saves all the receipts directly onto the app for you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Download a Mobile Barcode Scanner App

A mobile barcode scanner app turns shoppers into fast shoppers. Having this app can get someone in and out of a store in a hurry. For example, a man is on his way to a business meeting when he spills coffee all over his pants. Luckily, his route takes him right by a department store. He knows his size, as most men do, so all he needs to do is run in, pay, and get out. Unfortunately, too many other people are having the same idea to shop and now he is stuck in a long checkout line. With a free barcode scanner he could be in and out of the store in minutes.

Mobile Payment Apps

If the man in the scenario had a mobile payment app like ScanOut he would not be stuck in a long line of other customers. Instead he could use his smartphone to make the purchase without having to deal with anyone from customer service.

Here is how it works:
  • The free barcode scanner mobile phone scans the barcode by using the camera function
  • Add this item to the “cart”
  • After this is done with all the items (i.e. pair of pants not stained with coffee) hit “pay now”
  • Users have the ability to use a credit card on file or use a new card to make the payment
  • A digital receipt is given
  •  as proof of purchase so there’s no need to deal with customer service
It is that easy to get in and out.
Scan and Go
With mobile payment apps customers are shopping faster than ever before. It is taking the self-checkout lane to the next level. By having the smartphone work as a register it eliminates the need of standing in a traditional checkout line ever again. Download a barcode scanner app today and start shopping smarter.